Sunday, 21 October 2012

Posted by Howzto
No comments | 11:57
Rats have such an astonishing reproduction speed that in 18 months, two rats could have a million descendents if left in suitable conditions.

Rats are true omnivore animals which can eat almost anything and have tremendous abilities. According to study rats have incredible reproduction rate too and if two rats are allowed to mate in a suitable environment for 18 months they can have over a million descendents which is equivalent to a population of average size city.

There are many explanations for this mind boggling rate of reproduction among which is that rats reach their maturity at 5 weeks after birth. The gestation period only longs for about 21 days and a female can conceive many times during the year and litters can number up to 14, but normally seven is more regular.

Despite this reproduction rate, the mortality rate is 95% due to the constant threat from predators and other interspecies. During lactating, the female show extreme maternal behavior as she stays close to the smaller litters than the large ones. Rats normally live in sewer and cellars.

Another aspect of their fertility miracle is that if a large portion of their population is exterminated, the remaining population of the rats increases their reproductive rate which restores the population to the former level.

Still at this incredible reproduction rate, nothing beats hamsters when it comes to mass reproduction. Their rate is much, much higher than that of rats. smaller litters than the large ones. Rats normally live in sewer and cellars. Another aspect of their fertility miracle is that if a large portion of their population is exterminated, the remaining population of the rats increases their reproductive rate which restores the population to the former level. Still at this marvelous reproduction rate rats couldn’t make their way to the top of the list because hamsters are even more fertile than rats that can reproduce faster than rats.



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