Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Posted by Howzto
2 comments | 18:40

Alcohol is a major social issue that india is facing today.Alcohol has destroyed millions of life not only in India but all over the world. India having a huge youth population must realize that if the youths are directed towards this poison then the whole nation may be affected. Many people of India die every day due to alcohol and our government is funding the death of their own citizens which is a shame. Alcohol has given the highest revenue for many state government shows the no of alcoholic consumers present in this country.

Survey  shows that the alcoholic consumers under-21 has increased from 2% to 15% shows our youth has scummed to this poison called Alcohol.The no.of. women drinkers are also on the raise.

This is a danger to the country like India whose Cultural heritage have been destroyed by this Alcohol.Any problem prevailing in our society have a direct link to Alcohol.

Today India is facing a situation such that the no of Alcohol shops are higher than that of no of Hospitals.

Now a days Drink Alcohol has became a status  of living a royal life and a distinguished member of the society.

To get India out of this dreadful situation the  law must be strengthened. The Supreme Court of india must take up this issue and must lay guidelines to governments to curb alcohol.

By removing alcohol India may not be a developed country but for sure all the people will lead an happy life.

Until and unless the 120 crore people of this country changes there won't be any progress in the nation. The time has come for the people to stand united against this evil and leave no traces of it in the past for our future generations.

I hope India leads the way to the world by becoming an Alcoholic free country in the world.

To access a guide to prevent alcoholic Addiction CLICK HERE


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