Sunday, 7 June 2015

Posted by Howzto
No comments | 22:33

“ It is a pity and a major embarrassment  that a country once housed the great ancient Nalanda University  where students from around the globe pursued their education in this same country is reduced to a standard where even after finishing his UG (UNDER GRADUATE) and POSTGRADUATE(PG) COURSES feels insecure about his career and his job opportunities in the ever changing globalised world.”

                                  I happened to see many advertisements these days on newspapers, tv ,websites etc and almost all forms of electronic and digital media endorsing their own brand of education by having celebrities ranging from high profile yester year actors to people who emote on the small screen tv serials being their brand ambassadors and endorsing the particular xy hotel management and xy engineering colleges and what is the need for all these are the students joining film institutes or professional courses .
                                           Rather than these False advertisements with over exaggerated data of 100% placements and their alumni earning in crore’s and lakhs. Say “WHY NOT CREATE NOTABLE ALUMNI AND BOAST THAT THE CONCERNED PERSON DID GRADUATE FROM OUR COLLEGE ”.Many reputed educational institutions around the globe grew due to their alumni,for example from the old oxford university to Massachusetts institute of technology and not due to a famous brand ambassador from the filmy world endorsing the college institution. Who are they trying to fool .the future generation of this country and the next global citizens of The Mother Earth.
                                           What is the message being sent to aspirants of these courses , luckily there are ranking based system released by anna university were one college’s academic performance ,infrastructure, sports and their placement record determines thestandard of the college were one could make a choice .

                                             This ranking based system happened due to societal pressure and parent teacher organizations taking the issue to the courts to ask the Anna University to take necessary action for the students to decide the college based on its educational reputation and taking into account  the current standards of the institution and hence the ranking system happened . hurrah the courts still has a certain power to take notice and act against  the powerful vvip chairman’s of educational institutions and this happened a long time ago.

The students after having mugging and by-hearting for the past twelve years of their schooling .would have finally asked for a change of better education that would increase their skill level and make them have a career with a optimistic prosperous  future. BUT……………

                                             Barring a few private colleges and the IIT’s there is no research and also there is no skill development in the course offered .even in IIT’S the innovation has translated to business corporation only in E-COMMERCE AND START –UPS .(FOR EXAMPLE FLIPKART founded by two iit students)what about the other sectors there is no innovation taking place, and for other colleges it is just a mere extension of the state board syllabus oriented education system were one reproduces what it as such in the books.”NO RESEARCH NO INNOVATION “ .

                                             Hence we just either manufacture products according to specification of the mnc’s (multi national corporation) employers who employ us for their creative work and utilize our human and natural resources of our country , for their factory production and earn bulk profits and don’t pay taxes ,if asked to pay  runaway with the money earned to their respective company head quartered country and finally say that we will fight it legally in the higher courts of our country  . Dumping their employees as such creating a hopeless future for their employees.

                                             What is the reason behind this low confidence level of a student or a future graduate  there is no emphasis on skill development or upgrading his knowledge with the current world standards. A particular skill that he/she would feel secure even in the bearish economic situation and attain a prosperous economic growth in the event of a bullish trend were there is a boom in the particular sector that one is employed .for example in automobile manufacturing sector were there is sudden increased demand of more cars and its spare parts. The big firms (Hyundai, Ford, Suzuki) benefit but it not only ends with that there is increased demand of skilled labor and it also benefits the small scale and medium scale industries who manufacture the parts and components required for these firms. many graduates can do more than the BPO’s and IT SECTOR based jobs they are working in INDIA

                                       (the above mentioned are my personal views )

go to this website and read this link coming none other than our beloved ex-president APJ ABDUL KALAM

Article Author:
Fb Profile: S.BK.BALAJI


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