Saturday, 20 October 2012

Posted by Howzto
No comments | 21:25

Yoga for good health

This section provides you with various articles related Yoga and other technics to manage your daily life.
This section provides you with informative articles on Yoga. Simple technics and tips to maintain good health. Before starting to work on Yoga, one has to understand yoga better. For attaining a healthy life, physical excercises, yoga technics need to be practiced with utmost care. These should however be practiced under the supervision of a trained person.
You can find Helpful articles on Yoga, easy to follow yoga Tips and Technics. Introduction to Yoga and its benefits to attain healthy life. Simple and easy to follow physical excercises help you in your daily routine.
Articles for stress relief and eye strain below gives you easy to follow tips and technics to overcome stress and also treat your eyes. These technics result in stress relief and treatment to your eyes.
Inverted Asanas for longevity: Remove toxins and slow down ageing by learning inverted asanas
Benefits of Sarpasana: Reduce upper back pain and relieves muscular tension
Benefits of Samasthithi asana: Samasthithi asana helps you cultivate a balanced stance towards the world
Benefits of Vrikshasana: This yogic posture helps improve concentration and builds mind power
Benefits of Bharadwaj asana: This asana gives a good twist to the lower, mid and uppder back
Yoga Do's and Dont's: Yogic exercises have to be practiced with caution.
Benefits of Pranayama: Pranayama is a kind of meditation that creates awareness, controls the unsteady mind, refreshes the brain.
Introduction to Yoga: Yoga is a system of physical excercise and natural healing. Our ancient sages have suggested eight stages of Yoga to secure purity of body, mind and soul and final communion with God.


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